Let's start again together, three feet away.
When you find yourself in the middle of a storm, the first phase is survival. All energies are channelled towards a single objective: to emerge unharmed and with as little damage as possible. This is what millions of Italians have done with great courage, finding themselves suddenly in the middle of the perfect storm, to quote the one brought to the big screen by director Wolfgang Petersen and evoked by many journalists to describe the pandemic that has hit Italy and the whole world in these weeks of great difficulty. Such was the magnitude, speed and unpredictability of this event that comparisons were spontaneously made with a natural disaster of unprecedented dimensions. It is no coincidence that, in the Anglo-Saxon press, one of the adjectives most frequently used by the most prestigious sources is "unprecedented", i.e., unprecedented.
Once the first phase of the storm has passed, you find yourself torn between two conflicting feelings. On the one hand, thedamage analysisthe speculations on what could have been done to avoid or minimize them, on the other hand the hope, the birthmark by watch forwardof plan la start.
We've been with you since 1983
If it is true that one cannot exist without the other, in AluserAs we are convinced it is in most Italian companies, the second part prevails these days. We are moved from a optimism which is not merely the prerogative of life, but also the fruit of the awareness that we have a history almost forty yearswhich sees us at the side and in the homes of many Italians starting from the 1983.
A history that has seen many moments of joy, but which has also seen difficult pages for the economic and social context of the country in which we operate, such as the economic crisis that began in 2008 and lasted for a whole five years, which taught us to overcome moments of great adversity with renewed confidence in our abilities and in the possibility of starting again with a better and more ambitious spirit each time.

Restarting with the contribution of each of us
We believe that a fresh start is only possible if each of us makes his or her own contribution, in spirit and in deed. We are convinced that what is opening before us is a new scenario, even this one unprecedentedwith rules to be respected to which we are not accustomed, but also with great opportunities to return to cultivate values e appreciate details that had been lost in recent years.
The desire to believe at our Countrypreferring products made in Italywith the knowledge that with the own choices by citizen as well as a customer can help in a concrete way many companies in their territory and the many people who work there. A choice, that of the made in Italywhich allows the preservation of many jobs and also the creation of new ones, offering more opportunities to young people, the possibility of turning the economy around, creating a welfare from which the whole community can benefit and guaranteeing a future for our children.
The need to re-emphasize i contacts humans and the Trust mutualvalues that must return to the centre of every business relationship.
All things are other people's, only time is ours.
The art of cultivating the importance of waiting, to reduce the spasmodic and growing frenzy that characterized our lives. All craftsmen know it well, it is only from the care of detail, from patience, fromexperience accumulated over years of work that the best works are born. The same can be said for life.
In a world that wanted us obsessively fast, devoted to satisfying our needs with ever increasing speed, this situation required us to stop usof reasonof understand. To wait. The best choices need reflection, calm, silence.
The need to return to give a value at weather. We seemed to have forgotten what Seneca said 2,000 years ago, "Omnia Aliena sunt, Tempus tantum nostrum est." All things belong to others, only time is ours. Just as it takes time to make quality craftsmanship products, it is equally true that it is only over time that you can fully appreciate the value of a product, of a window or doorframe, which instead of losing its charm, acquires its own identity and permeates the spirit of the home in which it is inserted.
Respect for the environment in which we live.
With choices of products that help not waste energyto avoid harmful heat dissipation and which are manufactured and installed in the full respect thanenvironment. Products created at a few kilometers by those who choose them, to avoid unnecessary emissions due to large-scale transport and to give a renewed value to the sense of communityof proximityof solidarity.
The need to rethink our days, giving a new value to moments that did not exist before. Living the need to stay at home not as an obligation difficult to digest, but rather as an opportunity to spend more time in the most beautiful place that exists, embellished with our memories and fulcrum of all the relationships with the most important people in our lives. A unique opportunity to dwell on how we live our home, on the details we choose to embellish it, to make it more harmonious and in line with our personality.
We believe that, by respecting the rightful rules and committing ourselves all together to these values, we can really get going again.
Gandhi said "You westerners, you have the time but you don't have the time.” The moment by take us back the our weather and with it the our affections, the our history and the our values. Further apart physically, but closer than before.
We at Aluser are with you on this journey of recovery, towards a future of Rebirth, step by step, day by day.