Alpac thermo-insulating monoblock with integrated VMC
No more centralized systems and cumbersome ducts, but a new idea of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation that "disappears" inside the masonry, integrated in the window unit: the decentralized VMC systems inserted in the Alpac unit are very easy to install, have excellent performance and customizable functions.
In addition, the thermo-insulating monoblock with integrated VMC allows to improve the insulating and energy performance of the building envelope, allowing to constantly ventilate indoor environments, increasing the living comfort and air quality.

Alpac Monoblock with integrated mechanical ventilation: INGENIUS VMC
INGENIUS VMC is the new line of window monoblocks with Integrated Mechanical Ventilation proposed by Alpac. An innovative solution that integrates perfectly with the window hole closing system, guaranteeing high energy efficiency and continuous air exchange. This solution transforms the closure of the window hole into a key element for the energy wellbeing of the building, technologically advanced and performing, able to promote indoor air quality.
Aimed at improving and simplifying ventilation in buildings, the decentralized INGENIUS VMC system guarantees great versatility in design, perfect adaptability to any architectural style and a minimalist aesthetic design thanks to almost invisible applications.
A solution for every need: the models of insulating monoblock with integrated VMC
The Alpac Ingenius VMC monoblock line has a complete range of solutions to effectively respond to every design requirement with the right product. Whether it's new construction, massive renovation or energy requalification.
Alpac packaged systems are an effective way of ensuring a perfect exchange of air in rooms and there are four models to meet various requirements:
- Comfort Plus, which provides the highest efficiency (89%) in heat recovery with double cross-flow counterflow enthalpy heat exchanger.
- Comfort Smart, with 82% efficiency and maximum customization of features (4-stage adjustable airflow, night function with minimum speed and LED light, summer free-cooling).
- Comfort Compact, small footprint for great performance and user friendly interface.
- Concealed casing, the new monoblock with VMC integrated in the casing, with a patented system of air intake and extraction without contamination with the dirty air inside the casing.
- Ghost, the new high-performance monoblock with a minimalist design that leaves only the small control display visible.

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