Sustainable Windows Made in Italy for your Well-Being

At Aluser we care about the environment in which we live and its protection. Therefore, we work responsibly to produce windows and doors that are not harmful to the planet and contribute to sustainable building envelopes, minimising our environmental impact.
This is the time when it has become necessary to make a sustainable mark on our daily lives, both in our homes and workplaces.
Our role is therefore to guarantee energy efficiency for our customers, using quality raw materials with high thermal and acoustic insulation characteristics for a sustainable building envelope that does not waste energy.
Energy Saving for a Sustainable Building Envelope
Thermal insulation
Windows and doors must help protect rooms from outside temperatures. A poor quality product that is installed incorrectly will cause unpleasant draughts and heat loss. In fact, the expenses related to the thermal regulation of a building are those that have the greatest impact on utility costs.
Aluser and its in-house team of installers offer leading-edge and highly reliable products that avoid any kind of heat loss, keep energy costs down and help to respect the environment. Here are some of our proposals that combine windows and doors with sustainability:
- the Schüco thermal break windows, which facilitate optimal thermoregulation, saving energy and reducing pollutant emissions;
- shading systems made of aluminium, a 100% recyclable material, perfect for controlling radiation;
- the service of a detailed study of the wall-to-wall junction to guarantee the energy and sealing performance of the frame;
- solutions designed to meet the needs of controlled ventilation environments;
- anti-condensation micro-aeration mechanisms.
Acoustic Insulation
As windows and doors play a major role in the insulation of a building, protecting against noise from outside is a fundamental requirement for today's windows and doors. Both the glass and the frame are sensitive elements and an important part of the noise shielding process. Incorrectly installed windows and doors can also lead to inadequate sound insulation.
The Aluser range offers a choice of solutions with high sound absorbing power, which effectively exclude even the most penetrating noise.
Whether it is a house on the side of a noisy street, a studio that needs privacy and insulation for professional reasons or a company with offices close to the production area, we can provide you with the best solution for your acoustic well-being.
Sustainable Materials
Windows and sustainability go hand in hand, but what is the best material for your new windows and doors? You need to weigh up the pros and cons:
- If you select pvc windows, you have to take into consideration that the plastic material is by definition a material with high acoustic and thermal insulation characteristics, but less suitable for application on large windows;
- La grande scommessa in materia di serramenti e sostenibilità ambientale è sicuramente il serramento in alluminio, un materiale dal valore superiore ma che garantisce la durata nel tempo, non necessitando di alcuna manutenzione ed avendo un ciclo di vita infinito, l’alluminio è 100% riciclabile.
Both are excellent materials for responsible use and low environmental impact. Like wooden windows and doors, all of these materials can be recycled without losing their primary characteristics.
Psychophysical Well-Being
If you are looking for all these features in your home: high thermal and acoustic insulation, recyclable materials and a low final energy waste, you must then be able to preserve these features and guarantee optimal air quality.
Aluser meets this need by installing Alpac Monoblocks with VMC technology (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation) that ensure a constant change of air without losing insulating qualities and filtering that eliminates carbon dioxide, humidity, odours, dust and pollen. Thanks to this technology, you will no longer hear the noise chaos of the city every time you have to open the windows of your house to have a change of air.
To achieve a sustainable building envelope equal to the excellence of a PassivHaus (or Passive House) certification, a VMC system that avoids thermal energy loss and ensures high heat recovery is essential.
Our Sustainable Approach

Some of the things we have implemented and improved over the years:
- eliminating waste and minimising production waste by optimising processing;
- recycling and reuse of materials where possible;
- Storage of construction site waste at specialised centres, at our expense and not at the expense of the end user.
A daily commitment that goes hand in hand with our constant search for more efficient processing techniques, to guarantee our customers the best windows and doors and sustainability with less environmental impact.
With Aluser you can be sure that you are buying a product made with the highest respect for the environment and for people.
Put your family's well-being first and look ahead to the future of your home, choose Aluser!
Our Partners
Aluser has always offered its customers the best brands in the window and door sector, choosing brands that espouse a philosophy of environmental sustainability. Aluser works with Schuco, Oikos, Dierre, Ginko, Sikurhome and many others.

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